The unmoderated online landscape tracking and combating anti-Semitism & hate through digital innovation

The unmoderated online landscape tracking and combating anti-Semitism & hate through digital innovation

Combating Anti-Semitism Through AI Digital Innovation

Extremist groups and chaos agents across the globe, fueled by antisemitism, anarchy, and hostile state actors, exploit the lawless web to incite violence and spread hate. Xfile is leading the fight, developing innovative methods to identify and expose these perpetrators, disrupt their plans, and ensure online platforms take action.

While Hamas was still hunting Jews on October 7 in Israel, groups around the world started sharing videos and narratives showing support and promoting solidarity with "Hamas Resistance." The Kremlin, IRGC, and dozens of other state actor entities that were supporting Russia in its Ukrainian conquest instantly started posting videos and images of the horrific Hamas terror attacks and pushing the Hamas narrative.

Before Israel even had a chance to collect all the dead, and while there were still skirmishes between IDF forces and Hamas brigades were taking place in Israel a coordinated attack from social media influencers, Palestinian activists, far-left media, and academia went off like an atomic bomb.

The sheer amount of messaging, the consistency of narrative points, and incredible coordination owerwhelemd the screens of users around the world across all social media. TikTok and X ( Twitter) was flooded with messaging that Hamas is just resistance and that this " Did not happen in a vacuum".

In the first seven weeks after Hamasโ€™ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, posts on Facebook from Russian state media, pro-Russian commentators and Russian diplomats increased dramatically โ€” by 400 percent, according to the Alliance for Securing Democracy.

Jackson's Hinkle's post about the Hospital bombing on October 17. 18.8 Million Views

The MAGA Communist US influencer Jackson Hinkle has quickly emerged as one of the most popular users on X during the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. Hinkle has a history of spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation. Recent events have been no exception.

A favorite theme of Russian information operations is to paint America as a failing democratic state, according to U.S. officials and researchers.


The Kremlin is working to damage Americaโ€™s reputation in the world and undermine our institutions and processes. Russians are using sophisticated artificial intelligence tools in their information operations to exploit social, political, and economic divisions within our culture and society.

As part of the distraction campaign from the ongoing war in Ukraine - Russia-linked X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram channels have switched to posting primarily about the Israel-Gaza crisis in an effort to redirect public attention from the war in Ukraine.  

Analysis of high fake follower rates and interactions on influencer posts.

Recent analysis reveals that large percentages of followers of influencers Jackson Hinkle and Motaz Azaiza are fake, with many accounts created since October.

Furthermore, approximately 25% of comments on posts by ten controversial Twitter influencers are from fake profiles, strategically interacting to enhance content visibility.

Combating Anti-Semitism & Hate Through Digital Innovation

Disrupt Authoritarian regimes and their proxy's use of X social media platform, and traditional media to attempt to shape global and domestic narratives to sow chaos and confusion in democracies.

Community Tracking and reporting malicious and misleading posts
Create engaging and easy content to debunk posts and educate users
Implement AI to monitor, alert and engage with malicious content
Expose the bad actors and chaos agencies across other media and platforms.

The Team

With decades of experience in Media, Marketing and Technology our team combines technological expertise with a deep commitment to combating propaganda.

The Impact: XTrack has the potential to:

Significantly reduce anti-Semitic incidents through early detection and prevention. Shift the narrative around antisemitism by amplifying positive voices and stories. Create a safer, more inclusive society for all.

The convergence of "citizen reporters", social media, and 24-hour news feeds is accelerating antisemitism and hate at a rate that was never even imaginable before.

The manufactured narrative and public perception are weaponizing propaganda and amplifying it across all media, especially with the internet's growing popularity, especially among the TikTok generation. We are focused on X because we feel this is the most important battleground for combating antisemitism, and we have a unique plan for tackling it.

All these organizations, the Red and Green alliance, even with Neo Nazis and Far Left Activists and even Jew-ish organizations, are all united around this cause, and even more are jumping on the bandwagon.

These groups that have only one real goal are creating the narrative and using the media and social media to propagate the lies across all media, and redicalize more people as well as create allies. Perceived injustice, need for identity and need for belonging are common vulnerabilities among students that turn to activism.

What do we need to get done?

Track Top 100 XTrack Accounts and Develop Combat Strategy
Develop new education outreach program targeting local media and non-Jewish Christian stakeholders to disseminate the sources and threats posed by anti-Semitic groups
Create Digital Squad and Provide Tools To Combat Anti-Semitism
Compel social media platforms to fulfill their pledges to delete anti-Semitic accounts and hashtags
Create and distribute engaging viral content across multiple platforms.
Create a new Social Media Standards Toolbar to monitor and flag anti-Semitic accounts and posts across social media platforms.

We are seeking funding to create a demo and proof of concept and support the development and launch of our digital platform. Your help will empower us to combat anti-Semitism and misinformation.

We are a grassroots organization that relies on the generosity of friends, members, and donors to support its operations. We hope you will consider donating today so that we remain a citadel of traditional values for many years to come!

Your investment will have a direct impact on the lives of Jewish individuals and communities by:

  • Reducing the spread of hate speech and harassment online
  • Empowering Jewish communities to fight back against anti-Semitism
  • Fostering a more inclusive and understanding online environment